Full: $350 | Half: $250
Our Fall share runs for ten weeks, with weekly pickups from September 11th to November 20th. Throughout the fall you'll receive crops like: microgreens, arugula, onions, turnips, carrots, salad mix, winter squash, bok choy, head lettuce, sweet potatoes, brussels sprouts, cabbage, broccolini, kale, beets, and more!
2025 Fall Share
CSAs (Community Supported Agriculture) are an opportunity to eat the best produce on the farm each week, hand-picked by the farmers. Each week, CSA members receive a bag of fresh vegetables, picked up on the farm between Thursday and Sunday at a time convenient to them. In addition to the veggies, we send a weekly email with updates from the farm, vegetable storage tips, and recipe inspiration to supercharge your cooking. Think of it like a subscription to a personal weekly vegetable shopper and newsletter.
As we see it, signing up for a CSA is entering a relationship with our farm and us, the farmers. A share opens up the opportunity to understand where your food comes from, how it’s grown, and who harvests it. It’s a conscious decision to check back in to the seasonal rhythms that are absent from the produce section of most grocery stores.
And it’s supporting the farm. CSAs give us consistency and stability as we ride the roller coaster of the seasons. By buying a share before the harvest begins, you help fund seeds and supplies. In return, you receives a consistent supply of fresh, local produce throughout the season!